Sunday, September 12, 2021

RYAN ADAMS, Destroyer [imagined LP]


Credits for the cover art I guess are by this guy.

Ryan Adams 


You didn't think I forgot about this one, did you?  I played Heartbreaker; Love is Hell; Suicide Handbook48 Hours, all the leaked 2000-01 sessions and Pinkhearts (THANK YOU, LOST HIGHWAY...but also..NO 20/20. WHAT A CATCH 22?! I hate numbers. There's too many of them); Cold RosesJCN and 29; Gold, Demolition and RNR---and yes, even Easy Tiger--I mean played them front to back the FUCK out. Whiskeytown, too. OF COURSE. I got a little weary of Cardinology and his post-2010 output; that's WHY I started this blog in the first place, lol. Well that and lack of anything else to do, constructively or creative wise. I personally didn't care for much of Destroyer; too slow...weird versions of Heartbreaker tunes, etc. THIS is just MY own personal tastes. I found Heartbreaker a little inconsistent for the 'big breakup record' it is. I think my reconstructed version of THAT one flows better. The remaining songs were far from shite. I just didn't have anywhere to put them; then it hit me. So I combined and re-sequenced them to fit between Heartbreaker and Suicide Handbook. 

Maybe Bloodshot could've put this out as a second album? I think Ryan decided to scrap the Destroyer demos and start over; good decision. The excuse then was "Geffen/Interscope wants to claim the recordings" (though I'm pretty sure Interscope would've kept him if THEY wanted to)---he had previously almost signed with A&M after the band broke-up the first time (he and Phil W. were the first two members to sign with Outpost...then, Caitlin came back---Skillet got 'demoted', lol). The alt-country 'fad' didn't become the big cheese the industry thought grunge was; Outpost Recordings folded. Whiskeytown's last album was shelved (the 20 song double LP that later was remixed by RA and Ethan Johns--Pneumonia)

Debut single by THE ELOQUENT 7EVEN - BTS145 [a DON'T BELIEVE ANYONE production]

  BTS145 - Releases on 21 February 2025 Produced by Lucy Gaither / Mastered in 432 Hz by A.G. at Barely There Studio (North MS) Debut single...